This website uses no stock images or pre-renders. All equipment shown, were designed and manufactured by AEssenseFresh. All produce were grown in our AEtrium systems.
This website uses no stock images or pre-renders. All equipment shown, were designed and manufactured by AEssenseFresh. All produce were grown in our AEtrium systems.
An encouraging story of advanced education in the heart of Wisconsin - AEssenseFresh has been delivering additional capacity to the AEtrium-2.1 SmartFarm operated by Tom Sebranek, Green Bay Southwest High School, Agriscience Teacher, for the continued expansion of his school’s advanced food production operation housed in a spare room at Green Bay Southwest High School.
FarmerGrowers, South Africa
Controlled environments, automated dosing, and modularity. Our systems are designed to be scalable at a massive level.
Santa Clara Facility, USA
Chefs can bring a literal farm-to-table experience from any location with our specialized growth environments. Our aeroponics and advanced nutrient systems brings the most intense and flavorful greens and produce, and can be adjusted to fit any distinct taste.
Green Bay Schools, Wisconsin, USA
Our AEtrium aeroponics systems are perfect for schools, universities, and research institutions interested in experimental controlled environments, or for simply teaching students the fundamentals of plant growth.
Aeroponics is one of the most efficient ways of growing on earth, outpacing even traditional hydroponics in water savings and growth rate.
Our systems offer accelerated growth that maximizes yields, while minimizing costs.
Fully software integrated with our Guardian Grow Manager System
We are engineers, plant scientists, sensor geeks, and foodies, dedicated and passionate about what we do
Our science and engineering teams have archived an extensive knowledge base for you to use in your cultivation journey.
When adding any chemical to a hydroponic system, it is critical to understand the dosing rate, dosing schedule, and acceptable applied concentration in solution. A proper understanding of these concepts is necessary to effectively control pathogens through chemical means and avoid chemically induced phytotoxicity.